With biannual publications, UC Berkeley is open access and a student-led and peer-review journal published online by the Berkeley Review education. The journal is edited by students who come for graduate school at the University of California.

The Berkeley review education is calling for seniors, scholars, those who make policies and practitioners to surrender articles that focus on educational diversity. The board is highly welcoming editorials that touch especially on our main concerns, which are:

  1. Vital scholarship

The Berkeley review submission calls for papers that talk about critical scholarships-especially those that do critical analysis, assessments, and the problems brought by the power structure, and also help in imagining innovations.

  1. Building communities

Berkeley review education seeks to ensure a new and existing cordial relationship with the community surrounding us. It enables us to have a peaceful coexistence with non-academy. Since it is a journal that everybody can access, our purpose is to democratize and inspire work and communicate to a bigger audience such as scholars, practitioners, etc.

  1. Issues that are pressing

The Berkeley review education also seeks editorials that focus on emerging issues regarding the education system, the environment where learning takes place, etc.

Berkeley reviews submissions guidelines

In need of guideline on how to apply for peer review board UC Berkeley? The authors who will submit the Berkeley review articles are assured of their copyrights. Also, Berkeley Review education does not accept published work that has been done previously, or that has been submitted somewhere. The Berkeley Review Education policies prohibit the submission of already published work.

Those eligible should submit articles that focus on historical analysis, literary essays, and many others. Writers are discouraged from mentioning the authors and institutions while doing the Berkeley review.

The criteria to use when writing the manuscript

The manuscript that will be published will be reviewed based on the relevance to the subject, theoretical framework, the procedure used, suitability of the questions, the consistency of the methods, data collection techniques and analysis, conclusions of the research, general contribution, and clarity.

  • Required format

Berkeley review submission requires electronic Microsoft word submissions. It is the acceptable mode of submission. All the text, including headings, title, citation, references tables, should be well-typed and ensure the spacing is double with 1″ all around. All files with twelfth font should be submitted as a single file with a summary with not more than five keywords.

  • The length of the Berkeley review submissions

The required pages are limited to thirty but not inclusive of references and citations. If you exceed this, your work will not be published. Tables and figures should have placed at the end of the review, and the authors should make it to the minimum.

  • Writing style

All the authors should number indicate the page numbers of their texts. They should also adhere to the writing style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2009) to make all the reviews to be uniform.

  • Editing process

The Berkeley review will undergo two types of editing. The substantive one involves major changes, and the minor one involves correcting minor errors. After this, copyediting is then done on the last confirmation of the manuscripts. The time we will accept the Berkeley review submissions will be six months, and after that, the publication is now done.


If you need to make publication on the Berkeley review, read through the guidelines on their website and follow their instructions. The UC Berkeley call for papers has a period for accepting publications.

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